Tuesday 10 June 2008

Networks Face Great Wall Of China

Television networks around the world (including the U.S.'s NBC) who have been licensed
to cover the Beijing Olympics are complaining about foot-dragging by Chinese officials
in granting necessary permits for everything from freight shipments to camera place
ments, the Associated Press reported Monday. The wire service quoted from minutes
of a meeting between network producers and the Beijing and International Olympic
Committee organizers last month in which IOC official Gilbert Felli accused Chinese
officials of imposing conditions "that are just not workable." In its report, the AP commented:
"The minutes hint that procedures broadcasters have used in other Olympics are conflicting
with China's authoritarian government. Some plans are months behind schedule, which could
force broadcasters to compromise coverage plans." AP's own television unit, APTN,
is among a number of non-rights-holding news organizations that have also complained
about rigid Chinese restrictions. APTN News Director Sandy MacIntyre complained, "We
are two weeks away from putting equipment on a shipment and we have no clearance
to operate, or to enter the country or a frequency allocation."


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